

A story about heartbreak. Of a mortal man that loved a perfect, unreal ideal of a woman.
This film was created for Chris Burnett, an artist and musician whose work in 2018 examined idealized love. The themes he was exploring in his music triggered an idea in my mind: when we are in the throes of an obsessive crush we create false, perfect versions of our obsessions. They transform, becoming beautiful to an unearthly degree. Gods and goddesses; alive, but also cruelly unreal.
Armed with this concept, I visualized Chris’ mind as a temple made of light and concrete. Within it, he worships a goddess with a face of flowers. Initially, she appears beautiful, a pure and perfect vision, surrounded by heavenly light.
When her mask is removed, however, her eyes are stark white, lending to an unnerving feeling of otherness, alienness. She is ghostly, ethereal, almost imaginary. An eidolon.
Orion International Film Festival 2019 winner for Best Music Clip
Permanently featured in Vimeo’s curated Experimental Channel
“Fresh ideas and innovative techniques that redefine the visual world”
direction - Pedro Lavín
music - Chris Burnett
Chris Burnett as The Worshiper
Lucia Lavín as The Eidolon
director of photography - Jonah Friedman
production - Steve Intrabartola
assistant director - Ryan Chatel
hair and makeup - Charles Zambrano
set PA - Faith Flynn, Tess Harris & Scott Thomas
key grip - Moe LaRena
on-set photographer - John Kang
studio manager - Francisco Paez & Karina Paez
storyboard - Samrath Kaur
matte painting and concept design - Pedro Lavin
compositing and animation - Matthias Baüerle, Sean Martin, Hieu Phan, Darius Safani & Sean Wehrli
title animation - Darius Safani
post production - Jodi Kraushar
special thanks - Alex Unick, Marie Hyon, Marco Spier & Eben Mears